Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Catch up

During my time in the Solomon Islands I led a workshop for the brothers on Franciscan leadership, using a wonderful book "Leading Like Francis."
We met under a huge mango tree outside the friary at Hautambu. The workshop include conversation and role playing. Working with these 50 young men was a real highlight of my visit this year.

After the workshop we met for chapter. Here we are after the last session: still smiling...

Every year I try to visit the friaries, this year i made it to all 9 friaries in the province. I travelled by ship, truck, on foot--once I had to swim a flooded river Indiana Jones style, and here we are launching the new canoe with outboard motor. We are on the beach after a three day visit to the new friary on Ysabel Island. The terrific paint job in the colors of the Solomon Islands flag caused a lot of comment!

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